Tuneup using size_ratio

Niels Möller nisse at lysator.liu.se
Wed Dec 27 19:44:37 CET 2023

marco.bodrato at tutanota.com writes:

> Actually, looking at the colored bi-dimensional maps we still have
> under the title "New Toom multiplication code for unbalanced operands"
> on page https://gmplib.org/devel/ , I believe that the line
> representing the thresholds are more complex than a straight
> un=constant or vn=constant. (un+vn is more appropriated,  when dealing
> with FFT, but non necessarily good on other border lines).

I would also like to have a (computer science) graph of which function
should recurse to which other functions. E.g., one hypothesis (the one
which got me started on this months ago) is that toom22 and toom32 can
call eachother (or basecase), but no more complex toom functions. And
then toom33, it could recurse to itself, toom32 or toom22, but should it
ever call anything else? And so on.

>> I intend to push this change in a few days. Have a nice Christmas!

Pushed now.

> May it be useful to add also the "/r" option for mpn_nussbaumer_mul?

Makes sense, but not yet done.

> And now, have a happy new year!

Happy new year!


Niels Möller. PGP key CB4962D070D77D7FCB8BA36271D8F1FF368C6677.
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